Mamta's Kitchen

Mango Pickle with Garlic

Aam ka Lahsan (lahsun) Vala Achar or Aachar

Pimmy Marwah from Delhi

Free From TomatoIndianSideVeganVegetarian

This sweet pickle is very easy to make and it can be stored for many months.


  • 5 kg. green, pickling mangoes (not ripe mangoes), peeled and flesh grated

  • 1 1/2 kg. onions, peeled and cut into small pieces

  • 375 gm. garlic or lahasun, peeled and cut in small pieces

  • 1 1/2 kg. sugar

  • 1 kg. salt

  • 750 ml. mustard oil*

  • 1/2 litre vinegar or 4 tsp. glacial acetic acid

  • 125 gm. red chilli powder

  • 125 gm saunf or fennel seeds

  • 125 gm methi or fenugreek seeds

  • 125 gm turmeric

  • 50 gm. kalaunji/kalonji/nigella seeds (nigella sativa)

  • 2 tbs. Garam Masala

  • Mustard oil should always be heated to smoking point first and allowed to cool completely, before adding it to the pickle.


  1. Mix everything and fill in sterilised jars.

  2. Keep in sunlight for a week. Keep stirring it from time to time. In cold countries, you can leave it on a window sill.

  3. Also see Pickle and Chutney Selection.


  • Kalonji can be spelled as Kalowunji on some packets.

  • A pinch of Sodium Benzoate added to pickles, acts as preservative and helps to keep them for longer without getting spoiled.

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