Mamta's Kitchen

Sweetcorn Soup-Chinese

Sweetcorn Soup

Mamta Gupta


This is a simple recipe and is suitable for both vegetarians as well as non vegetarians. Simply use appropriate stock.

Serves 4-6


  • 1-1 1/2 litre stock*

  • 450 gm. tin of creamed sweet corn. You can use fresh corn kernels too, grind them coarsely in a blender or food processor. The left over cob should be used for making stock*.

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • 2 tbs. corn starch or arrowroot dissolved in a couple of tbs. of cold water.

  • 1 large egg, beaten lightly (omit it if you are a vegetarian)

  • 1-2 spring onions (onions with greens), finely sliced


  1. *Making stock: Stock can be made by using vegetarian or chicken stock cubes or you can make your own. For Non-vegetarian stock, boil leftover bones from meat/chicken, shrimp skins, grated ginger and roughly sliced onion (with skin on) for an hour or so. Washed vegetable peelings can also be added. Strain and discard solids. For vegetarian stock, boil together a sliced onion (with skin on), ginger, a few different vegetables/peelings, cabbage leaves etc. for an hour or so. Strain and discard solids.

  2. Boil the prepared stock in a pan and add creamed sweet corn.

  3. Season with salt and pepper.

  4. Bring to boil and simmer for 10 minutes.

  5. If the soup appears to be too watery, add a little corn flour dissolved in cold water, little at a time while stirring constantly.

  6. Turn heat to low to a gentle simmer.

  7. Add the beaten egg gently, in a thin stream. You can do this through a tea strainer but wash it well after you have used it, before you use it for straining the tea again!

  8. Turn heat off.

  9. Serve piping hot, garnished with finely chopped spring/green onions.

  10. Also see Soup Selection.


  • If you eat chicken, you can add a few very small pieces of shredded chicken to the soup.

  • A handful of coriander leaves add a slightly different flavour to this soup.

  • People who like hot food, can add a few drops of chilli sauce or chilli oil.

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