Chilli Pickle 2b, With Green (Fresh) Turmeric Roots
Mirch Aur Hari Haldi ka Aachar
Mamta Gupta
This is another easy pickle to make. Quantities of chilli and turmeric root are approximate. This amount makes a standard jam jar full.
The term ?Green? here means fresh, as opposed to dry turmeric roots. You can buy it from many Indian grocers, especially the ones who cater for Gujarati community.
60 gm. green chillies
40 gm. fresh turmeric root
1 heaped tsp. mustard seeds (rai), coarsely ground
1 heaped tsp. salt
2 heaped tsp. fennel seeds (moti saunf), coarsely ground or crushed
6 tbsp. or more mustard oil
De-stalk green chillies.
Peel turmeric roots
Place chillies and turmeric root in a food processor and chop finely. Take care not to blitz into a paste, you want decent sized pieces.
Put all ingredients in a clean bowl and mix well.
Transfer to a clean jar, close lid.
Pour oil over the chillies until it covers the chillies.
Leave on a sunny windowsill for a week or two.
Label and eat/store.