Mamta's Kitchen

Fish Head Curry in South Indian Style

Fish Head Curry in South Indian Style

Mamta Gupta


Fish head is considered a delicacy in fish eating, coastal parts of India and many other Asian countries. Here, I have used a south Indian style curry sauce to cook it in, but you can try other curry sauces of choice. Eyes are considered the best part, but I must admit to not being too keen on them!

Serves 4 as part of a meal.

Edited December 2022


  • 1 large fish head (approximately 800 gm.-1 kg). like Tuna/Emperor, or a couple of smaller fish heads

  • 4 tbsp. cooking oil

  • 1tsp. black mustard seeds or rai

  • 1 1/2 inch piece of ginger, finely grated or ground

  • 2 stalks of curry leaves (about 20 individual leaves)

  • 2 large onions (500 gm. approximately), peeled and chopped roughly

  • 2-3 garlic cloves, chopped/crushed

  • 1 tbsp. coarse, made mustard

  • Salt to taste

  • 1 tsp. turmeric

  • 2 tsp. coriander powder

  • 1/2-1 tsp. chilli powder, adjust to taste

  • 1-2 whole red chillies

  • 2 large tomatoes, chopped into small pieces or use tinned/purd tomatoes

  • 1 tbsp. vinegar or lemon juice, adjust to taste

  • 1 1/2 litre hot water

  • 1 can (250 ml.) coconut milk (optional). You can use cream of coconut powder, to taste)


  1. Chop onion, ginger and garlic finely by hand or in a food process.

  2. Heat oil in a wok or karahi.

  3. Add mustard seeds. When seeds splutter, add onions, ginger (and garlic if used) and curry leaves. Fry until onions are lightly browned.

  4. Add turmeric, coriander powder, whole chillies, chilli powder, coarse made-mustard and salt. Mix and fry for 1 minute.

  5. Add tomatoes and vinegar. Mix in and fry for a couple of minutes, until it looks shiny and oils separates.

  6. Add water, bring to boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add coconut milk here, if used.

  7. Add fish head, bring to boil and simmer gently, spooning the curry sauce over the head frequently. After 15 minutes, turn the fish head over gently, without breaking it.

  8. Simmer for a further 10-15 minutes or so. The oil floats to the top of the gravy when it is ready.

  9. Serve hot with Boiled Rice or Plain Pulao Rice.


  • You can add a couple of tablespoons of dry/kasoori methi leaves for extra flavour, though they are not often used in southern curries.

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