Mamta's Kitchen

How to Prepare Leeks?

How to prepare leeks?

Steve Lister


Leeks are delicious but underused vegetables in my view. They are used in many dishes for their gentler and softer flavour then onions. They do however need careful preparation, easy when you know how. Due to the shape of the leaves (sloping into the central stem), they tend to collect dust and soil between leaves as they grow, which can end up tucked deep into the plant stem. This needs careful washing. A leek has 3 main parts, in cooking terms. The base; the root end of the plant, the middle; white to light green stem, and the top; the green leaves.


  • Leeks


  1. Base: Slice the base off, as it tends to be a bit tough and often discoloured. Discard.

  2. Stem: Cut the white stem about 30 mm below the green leaves.

  3. Slice the stem into rings or used whole when you need to.

  4. Leaves: Cut 30 mm of the very top to remove the old, damaged and dried out edges of the leaves.

  5. Then cut in half along the entire length.

  6. Separate out each individual leaf. You will almost certainly find soil/dirt, unless they are green house leeks. Wash thoroughly in clean water then drain off.

  7. Make small stacks of the leeks, then hold down and cut through widthways, to the thickness/size you want.(using your normal technique that you are comfortable with). You can also cut them lengthways, to any thickness or size you need.

  8. Now use for soups and stews.

  9. When you have green house grown clean leeks, you can cut thick chunks/discs for adding to soups, stews, curris or making into a Leek Bhaji. Search for other Leek recipes on this site.

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