Mamta's Kitchen

Mango Sweet Pickle/Chutney 2, Sun Ripened

Aam ki Meethi Chutney 2

Vinodini Rastogi

EasyFree From GarlicFree From GingerFree From OnionFree From TomatoIndianSideVeganVegetarian

Mrs. Sarojini Rastogi was my sister in-law's mum. She was an excellent Indian cook, well known for her traditional recipes-Mamta

Photos by Abha Gupta


  • 1 kg. green/raw mango flesh (buy 2 kilo pickling mangoes)

  • 1 kg. sugar

  • 1 heaped tbsp. salt, adjust to taste

  • 1/4 tsp. good quality asafoetida or hing powder

  • 1 heaped tsp. chilli powder

  • 1 1/2 tsp. nigella seeds or kalaunji/kalownji (nigella sativa)

  • 4-5 large, brown cardamoms or badi illaichi seeds

  • 2 tbsp. vinegar


  1. Peel mangoes and grate flesh coarsely.

  2. Place grated mango flesh in a bowl and add sugar, salt, asafoetida and chilli powder. Mix well.

  3. Transfer to a jar, close the mouth with muslin cloth and keep in the sun or on a sunny window sill, for 10-12 days. Stir it every day.

  4. Dry fry cardamom and nigella seeds in a pan.

  5. Add to the pickle in sterilised jars, along with vinegar. Mix well.

  6. Leave to mature for a couple of weeks.


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