Mamta's Kitchen

Karonda (Natal Plum or Corinda) Pickle

Karonda Aachar

Abha Gupta

Free From GarlicFree From GingerFree From OnionFree From TomatoIndianSideVeganVegetarian

Pictures by Alok and Geeta Gupta

Karonda/Corinda/Carissa/carandas is a small, very sharp, acid fruit that grows in India on small, thorny bushes during the summer months. It is the size of an olive, with small pips/seeds and it is ivory white in colour, tinged heavily with dark orange or red. It is too sharp to eat uncooked but it makes a nice bhaji and a lovely pickle.


  • 250 gm. karonda fruits

  • 1 tsp. chilli powder

  • 1 tsp. turmeric powder

  • 1/2 tsp. kalonji, Kalaunji or nigella seeds (Nigella sativa)

  • 60 gm. salt

  • 50 gm. green chillies (optional)

  • 1 tbsp. large Saunf or fennel seeds, ground

  • 25 gm crushed rai or mustard seeds (smaller variety is used in pickles)

  • 1/2 cup mustard oil, heated until smoking and then cooled

  • 1/2 tsp. Garam Masala (optional as it will darken the colour of pickle)


  1. Wash fruits and leave on a towel overnight to dry completely.

  2. Slit into half, lengthways, remove seeds.

  3. Slice the green chillies in pieces of about one centimetre each.

  4. Place halved karondas and green chillies in a bowl and add everything else to them. Mix well and fill the jars.

  5. Allow to stand on a sunny window sill for 1 week.

  6. Adjust seasoning (salt/chillies) and eat with Plain Paratha.


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