Mamta's Kitchen

Lime/Lemon Syrup 2, for making Lemonade

Lemon Syrup 2

Reeta Kumar


Note from Mamta: This recipe is from my younger sister who lives near Delhi. Lemonade is very popular in India, especially during the summer months. If you have the syrup already made, it takes only seconds to make it. It is an easy syrup to make and can be made when lemons are cheap. Also see Nimbu Pani 1.


  • 6-8 lemons

  • 1 litre water

  • 1 kg granulated sugar


  1. Make zest (grated skin of lemon) from a couple of lemons and keep aside.

  2. Squeeze juice. Keep aside.

  3. Heat sugar, water and zest in a pan, over a low heat. Stir until sugar has dissolved.

  4. Bring to the boil and continue boiling for 10-15 minutes. Turn heat off and allow to cool, even in a fridge overnight.

  5. Add lemon juice and mix.

  6. Strain through a sieve. Pour into a sterilised bottle.

  7. Store in fridge and use within 2-3 months. It can be frozen.

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