Mamta's Kitchen

Lime/Lemon Syrup 1, for making Lemonade

Lemon Syrup 1

Reeta Kumar


Note from Mamta; This recipe is from younger sister. It is an easy way of making lemon syrup, no cooking involved. It does however require the hot sun of summer. The syrup is used for making lemonade Neembu Pani. There are no quantities given. When you read the recipe, you will understand why. Also see Lemon Syrup 2.


  • A bottle nearly full of sugar

  • Fresh lemons/limes, start with 6-8


  1. Fill a bottle with sugar, right up to the top.

  2. Squeeze lemon juice out of a few lemons, remove pips and start adding the juice to the bottle full of sugar, using a funnel. The juice will trickle down in the spaces between the sugar granules. Continue until bottle is full.

  3. Leave it on a sunny window sill.

  4. Stir/shake the bottle every day. You will find that level of sugar-lemon juice mix keeps going down every day as the sugar dissolves.

  5. Add more juice every day, to fill it to the top again and again, until it stops going down.

  6. All the sugar should be dissolved.

  7. It takes about 15 days, in bright sunlight, to get the syrup ready.

  8. Keep it in the fridge. Use diluted with water. The amount required to make lemonade depends on your personal taste.


  • It is difficult to quantify the number of lemons, depends upon how juicy they are. You keep adding the juice to the sugar in the bottle, until it is full to the top.

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