Mamta's Kitchen

Chilli Sauce 1, A Smoking Hot Sauce

Mirch Chatni 1, Dhuan-dhar Hot!

Aparna Gupta

EasyFree From GarlicFree From GingerFree From OnionFree From TomatoIndianSideVeganVegetarian

This is one of the best chilli chutney/sauce I have eaten in recent times and it so easy to make. All you need is the few ingredients and a food processor. The recipe comes from my nephew?s wife Aparna, who lives in Bengaluru (previously called Banglore) in India. The word Dhuan-dhar means 'something that produces smoke'! Quantities are approximate, adjust to taste.

Edited March 2023

The word ?chutney? comes from original Hindi word ?chatni? which is a tangy and spicy sauce or paste, that makes you smack you lips, makes your tongue and mouth come alive! The original Indian chatni is a mix of uncooked fruit (raw mango/apple/other fruits), green chillies, herbs like coriander and mint, a few spices, lemon or vinegar or tamarind, sometimes sugar, all ground together to a paste. Other ingredients can also be added according to taste. In England, and the West, Chutney generally means a spicy preserve/condiment, where fruits or vegetables have been cooked in vinegar, with spices and sugar, and then bottled- Mamta


  • 100 gm. fresh green chillies (buy hot ones)

  • 25 gm. mustard seeds, coarsely ground

  • 20 gm. salt about 2 heaped tsp., adjust to taste

  • 150-200 ml. malt or other vinegar (just enough to make a thin paste)


  1. Wash chillies and leave on a towel to dry overnight.

  2. Place all ingredients in a food processor and make a coarse paste.

  3. Adjust seasoning to taste.

  4. Place in a sterilized jar, it is ready to eat. It tastes better after a few days, if you can wait that long! Not suitable for long term bottling. Keep refrigerated.


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