Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

How To Keep Green Chillies Fresh For A Month Or Longer

How To Keep Green Chillies Fresh For A Month Or Longer

Reeta Kumar

Indian Vegan Vegetarian

This method really works, keeps chillies fresh for quite a long time, more than a month, even 6 weeks! For someone like me, who doesn't eat a lot of chillies, it saves wastage.


  • Any amount of chillies you want to store


  1. Wash chillies.
  2. Leave them to dry completely on a clean cloth/kitchen towel for a few hours or overnight. Make sure that there is no water on them. This is important.
  3. Remove stalks. Do not remove stalks before washing, otherwise water will get inside the chillies.
  4. Place in a clean and dry glass jar and close lid.
  5. Keep in the vegetable section of your fridge.
This recipe was originally created Oct 25, 2016 and last updated Jul 10, 2024

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