Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Asparagus Soup

Asparagus Soup

Mamta Gupta

Free From Garlic Free From Tomato Starter Vegan Vegetarian

I love asparagus in any form. This soup is simple to make and very tasty. It can be Vegan, if you use cream of coconut instead of dairy cream and oil instead of butter.

Asparagus in Hindi; Shatawar, Sootmooli.

Serves 4

Edited January 2024


  • 1 bunch of Asparagus (approximately 250 gm.)
  • 1 tbsp. butter or olive oil for vegans. I prefer butter
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 1 tsp grated ginger
  • 1 green chilli (adjust/omit to taste)
  • Chilli powder to taste.
  • 400 ml. approximately vegetarian stock. You can use stock pot or stock cubes or stock powder mix.
  • Salt only if stock is salt free
  • Pepper A good sprinkle
  • 150-200 ml. Crème fraîche or use cream of coconut


  1. Wash and pat dry asparagus pears.
  2. Cut off the tough lower ends of the asparagus. If you snap the ends, they should break cleanly, with a 'click'. If they bend and feel fibrous, cut that portion off.
  3. Cut off about 2 cm. of the tips of about 8-12 stems. Save for garnish (optional)
  4. Chop up the rest of the asparagus into 1 cm. pieces.
  5. Chop onion and ginger
  6. Make stock in hot water by dissolving whichever type of stock you are using (pot/cube/powder). We If using stock powder, you can add it directly.
  7. Heat a pan and melt butter.
  8. Add onion, fry for a few minutes.
  9. Add green chilli/chilli powder. Fry for a couple of minutes.
  10. Add asparagus tips, fry for 5-6 minutes. Take out a few tips for garnish, if you like. Do not overcook, if you you want them to remain shiny green.
  11. Turn the heat down, cover and cook for another 5-6 minutes, until lightly cooked, but not mushy. Do not overcook, or they will loose their colour.
  12. Add stock, bring to boil.
  13. Season with salt and pepper, if needed (ready made stocks are usually salted).
  14. Simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  15. Blend with a hand blender. If using a plastic blender, allow the soup to cool a little before blending.
  16. Strain it through a wire strainer to remove and fibres.
  17. Add and stir in crème fraîche or coconut cream.
  18. Check and adjust seasoning (salt and pepper).
  19. Serve in bowl with 1-2 fried asparagus tips(saved from step 7) floating on top.
  20. This soup can be served chilled, but I prefer it hot.
  21. Also see Soups-A Collection of Recipes
This recipe was originally created Mar 28, 2010 and last updated Apr 30, 2024

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