Winter has finally arrived here in south of England, with temperatures of 10?C/4?C! We had frost on Sunday, our first this winter. My beautiful buzy-lizzies (impatience), chrysanthemums and dahlias that were still full of blooms, died overnight. I spent a busy morning tiding up the garden yesterday!
Thanks to international trade these days, vegetables and fruits of summer are available almost all the year round. However, those amongst you who are gardeners, will have a store of traditional winter fruits and vegetables. Swedes, turnips, carrots, beetroot, parsnips, salsify, sweet potatoes, artichokes, celeriac, onions etc. are excellent in soups, roasts, pickles, curries, pies. Apples and pears make great desserts. I love soups for lunch during winter, often making them without oil, cooking vegetables in a pressure cooker and then blending with a stock. Crumbles/pies made from apple and other fruits, are also family favourites. I am experimenting with low sugar/sugar free versions, let.s see how they turn out! If you have and sugar free dessert recipes that you would like to share with the rest of us, please send them to me via the contact link. If they work, I will be happy to add them to this site under your name.
Best wishes to you all :-)!