Hi Mamta, I am simply amazed and flabbergasted at the array of indian food videos available on youtube. this is one step further than your already great website. How about you starring in your own recipe videos and posting them up. I'm sure you will become famous in next to no time, but better still, you will be showing all the techniques necessary for beginners and newcomers to pick up the art of indian cooking. there's a lady called manjula who already features heavily with loads of her home cooking videos.
What do you think?
Thanks Liza
Just tuned in to Manjulas kitchen. The first recipe I got was from a man dressed (badly) as woman! LOL!!
I don't think that will work for us. When I want to look up something, I don't have time to spend watching the whole video to get to the end of each recipe. It is so much quicker to just read it, take a print out and go to the kitchen. May be I am just too old for this ;-)! Thanks for the suggestion though :-)!
When I tuned in 2nd time, manjula was cooking her 'Gobhi Aloo' (cauli and potato bhaji). This is such basic and simple dish to make, I just don't see the point of sitting and watching it cook to the end.
Maybe for somethings like how to make a samosa, or roll a chapati by hand etc, there is a possible use for video.
We have to remember that what one person thinks is obvious might not as easy without being shown it first hand at some point.
Yeah but you guys haven't seen mum's scary "camera smile"! ;)
To be honest, for the videos to be anything other than incredibly amateur efforts we'd need not only some half-decent equipment but more importantly, the time to take the video, and (most time-consuming of all) edit it into the finished product.
Since I'm already so behind in my MK workload, I can't see this happening!