Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Yellow Dipping Sauce

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On 05/03/2007 06:03pm, Black-cat wrote:

I wonder if anyone can help with the name and recipe for the yellow sauce served by some indian restaurants with pappdoms as an entree? It may not be traditional of course, but perhaps someone can help.

Thank you

On 05/03/2007 08:03pm, AskCy wrote:

Is it sweet? pickled?.. hot?...

My first guess is mango chutney.

On 05/03/2007 08:03pm, Black-cat wrote:

Dear AskCy

Nope, neither hot nor sweet! I think it has mint andyoghurt. I realise this isn't helping but it is very difficult to describe. Very nice though!!

On 05/03/2007 10:03pm, AskCy wrote:

aah now thats probably just what it was then, yoghurt with mint, (and turmerice to give it that yellow colour), sometimes garlic, sometimes chilli, sometimes salt and pepper, sometimes also has cucumber, corriander leaves....

Its called Raita

Mint Yoghurt Raita

Mint Riata like Restaurants make


On 05/03/2007 10:03pm, AskCy wrote:

oops should say "turmeric" not "turmerice"...(haldi)

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