Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Wheat free wonton cover recipe wanted

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On 23/01/2006 06:01pm, Jerry wrote:

Hi I wondered if anyone has a recipe for wonton covers please, as I have been reading about a resteraunt where they make wheat and gluten free ones with tapioca starch,even tips on making normal ones would be good as they are so thin,thanks.


On 25/07/2007 01:07pm, clayms wrote:

Try using rice paper wrappers- they are made from rice flour and water (and are availible in the produce section in grocery stores the USA.) They are also called spring roll wrappers.

This is a basic recipe for wonton wrappers. Try substituting tapioca or rice flour or a mixture of flours that you can use for the regular flour.


1 1/2 C. flour

1 tsp. salt

1 egg

2 T. water

Mix well and knead on a floured board. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes.

Roll as thin as paper. Cut into 3-inch squares.

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