Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

What is Sage in Hindi?

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On 01/06/2007 07:06am, Sunita wrote:

Hi Mamta,

Am keen to know the hindi name of the herb sage, is it available to buy in India?

Thank you,


On 01/06/2007 07:06am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Sunita

If you need translations of English to Hindi ingredients, click on Advice button on the top of any page and look at the drop down menu under 'Advice'. We have quite an extensive glossary, to which I am always adding new words.

Sage or Salvia officinalis, is Seesti or Salbia-Sefakuss or Sefakuss or Salvi Tulsi in Hindi. It's leaves smells like ajwain (carom). I am sure you can get it in India. I remember (I had forgotten completely until you mentioned it) that my dad used to grow it in a pot and we used to make pakoras with the leaves. It is used extensively in herbal medicines.


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