Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

what is javantry??

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On 07/03/2009 01:03pm, oysters wrote:

I got this product from ym local indian supermarket, its fascinating stuff, I cant figure out if its plant or seed? tastes like aniceed but strong, please someone put me out of my misery and explain!!

Many Thanks

On 07/03/2009 08:03pm, Mamta wrote:

You don't mean Javitri, Mace in English?

On 09/03/2009 06:03am, Winton wrote:

Sounds like a place in the Midlands!

Botanically the nutmeg tree produces a fruit ('nut') which we know as nutmeg. However it has an outer layer used as "Mace" which is what I think you are referring to.

Essential for use in English puddings as part of 'mixed spice' or in Indian cooking when making your own Garam Masala as in

Outside the nut and mace "cage" layer there is a flesh layer which apparently produces a narcotic effect - but you would have to go to Indonesia to get it!

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