Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Whas it just the green tomatoes?

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On 06/08/2010 10:08am, Winton wrote:

Yesterday I made Mamta's Green Tomato Ketchup -

Totally delicious! In fact I'm muching into a strong cheddar & ketchup sandwich now. Real taste of my childhood but with a hint of chilli (optional.)

My gripe is that although following the recipe, and meticiously squeezing the last drop of moisture out of the pulp I've ended up with barely a smallish jar of chutney. I got no where near the 2 litres of liquid indicated (not even a pint.)

Could I have done something wrong or were the unripe tomatoes just too unripe?


On 06/08/2010 11:08am, Kavey wrote:

Could be, though I've made it with greent tomatoes more than red, since I had so many kilos of them last year...

If they aren't releasing much juice, you can add a little water when cooking them down, but you may find you need to reduce the ketchup a bit when finished, if it's too runny. Which isn't a big deal...

I'm afraid I didn't measure how much I got but when I made it last, with a few kilos of tomatoes, I got maybe 10-12 jars:

See here:

I was a bit paranoid about getting every last bit of juice out so once I'd seived the first time, I blitzed the pulp some more and then sieved it all again... took more effort and did mean some seed fragments made it through the sieve but didn't affect taste.

On 06/08/2010 05:08pm, Winton wrote:

Thanks Kavey for the link. Think I could have solved part of the mystery of my pitiful yield - I was using the green tomato (specific) ketchup recipe (which only calls for only 1kg tomatoes) rather than converting the red ketchup green.

I had used a tightly fitting saucepan lid to minimise evaporation and only let it simmer but I had eaten a few of the green tomatoes like apples.

Undeterred I'm back from the market with a bigger bag of green tomatoes so will try again this weekend, this time using a little water as you suggest.

Thanks, Winton

On 06/08/2010 08:08pm, Kavey wrote:

Aah, I went for the red one just because I knew it and had had such amazingly positive feedback to it when I made it (with red toms)... I liked the spicing mix etc.


On 08/08/2010 10:08am, Winton wrote:

Well Kavey, I tried again. To give the green tomatoes the best chance I briefly microwaved them (like you would a lemon) to get more juice, brought them up to 15psi in a pressure cooker, gently simmered them and forced every last drop of liquid out of the mash. Short of putting them in a washing up bowl and treading them I don't think I could have done more!

The result - a slighly better yield, tasting this time like tamarind ketchup (very good but not what I was expecting.) I think I am just going to put it down to a very green batch of green tomatoes.


On 10/08/2010 06:08pm, Winton wrote:

In my peultimate adventure with green tomatoes I made the Sweet and Sour Green Tomatoes recipe. At least I could be assured of a good yield.

Had plenty to freeze, the rest of the mix was eaten on buttered rye toast. Delish!

Now just got the green tomato and potato curry to go......

On 10/08/2010 10:08pm, Kavey wrote:

Maybe... I'm sure variety and juiciness of tomatoes will have an affect!

Must have been pretty green to give a tartness reminiscent of tamarind... maybe just TOO underripe?

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