Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Weights and measures

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On 18/08/2013 11:08am, Askcy wrote:

I've just got some new muesli, but it isn't "reduced sugar" as I normally get. Its made with brown wheat so I thought it would be better for me. I looked at the sugar content of the reduced sugar one 7.5g per 100g and this one is 8.2g.. so barely any difference.

It then got me thinking about portion size again... even though the calories and such are listed "per 100g" the actual recommended portion size for this muesli is "50g".... can anyone just know how much that is ?... I had to measure it... and while I was at it, I went mad and got several other everyday products and measured 50g of each, just to see how much that really is !

when it comes to things like potatoes, I was shocked... I can't find anywhere (yet) that says you should eat so many grams of potato per person, but one site says a medium baked potato is 2 portions !

Here are the results of my findings... I've put calorific content off the packet label where I can (for 50g of)... You have to consider that different bread for example varies wildly in calorific content due to fats and sugars etc

50g of


On 18/08/2013 11:08am, Askcy wrote:

see it bigger here - 50g of


On 18/08/2013 11:08am, Mamta wrote:

That is so interesting Steve, just goes to show you can't judge weights with your eyes!

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