Have just found your web site i would like to say fantastic, having eaten curry dishes for the last 25 years,I have been trying to find the best web site around giving the best curry recipes,This is ideal firstly you have awide range of dishes and all original from your parents.my days of going to a curry house are going to be less now i have your site stored.I will gladly upload photos when cooking dishes thanks brian
Hi Brian and welcome to the site !
Mamta is the main force behind it, with the majority of the recipes being her own ! Many of the rest of us discovered this site while searching for a recipe or a technique and haven't been away since ! As you say the recipes are numerous and varied and with this forum section it means you can ask for any extra information, offer your own thoughts and tweaks, help others and get help yourself....
Can't wait to see some of your pictures, the more the merrier ! (if you can take pictures all through the stages, even better !)