Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

VIRUS on my PC

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On 23/05/2007 07:05pm, AskCy wrote:

Just rebuilding it, getting things installed again etc etc...

really need a new computer that can cope with windows XP then I can get updates for software (windows 98 no longer supported by Microsoft and several others on the back of it)...

not vanished to the back of the oven, just a bit stuck at the moment.. (shouldn't really be on here yet as I'm still locking it down..)


On 23/05/2007 08:05pm, Mamta wrote:

Something is wrong with mine too. Every time I want to download pictures from my new camera, or want to save them in my photo folder, it crashes! Kavey and Pete have ordered us a new one, should arrive soon ;-).


On 23/05/2007 09:05pm, Kavey wrote:

Sorry to hear you have a virus! Make sure you not only have decent anti-virus protection but that you update it's definitions regularly from the web - or it gets outdated (and useless) pretty fast!

Ma, it should be there soon!

On 23/05/2007 10:05pm, AskCy wrote:

I run through a hardware firewalled router, a secondary software firewall, antivirus, 2 antimalware/spyware programs and spywareblaster (which is supposed to block many things getting on)...

left the computer running, visiting daughter went on it (not saying it was her or if it was that it was her fault).. but shortly after I went on and thought something was up...


On 24/05/2007 10:05pm, Kavey wrote:

How weird, I posted a response today, from work and it hasn't "taken"! I post a lot from there so I wonder what went wrong!

Grrrr to other people using one's PCs. Not saying your daughter does this but unfortunately ma and pa have way too many relatives who a) think they know a lot more about computers than they evidently do and b) think it's perfectly acceptable to change all kinds of settings, defaults and even shortcut button selections on someone else's computer when visiting for a couple of days!


If I had my way they would all be banned from using the parental computer (since we are the ones who have to fix the mess made by these bloody meddlers) until they have signed a disclaimer promising not to change ANYTHING AT ALL on pain of electric cattle prod attack. Carried out by me.

But sadly, ma and pa feel that may be a little unwelcoming and have given that plan the old heave ho.

So... I do sympathise.

On 25/05/2007 11:05am, Mamta wrote:

New computer has arrived :-)! So I will be on a fast, virus free computer soon :-)!

On 26/05/2007 06:05pm, AskCy wrote:

me thinks you don't like people using your pc... lol

and Mamta, great stuff.. nothing like a shiny new computer...


On 30/05/2007 06:05pm, Kavey wrote:

Well, I don't mind some people using my PC. My sister, for example, I'd let use my 'puter without any worry at all. Because she's neither stupid (quite the opposite) nor is she of the opinion that it's acceptable to change all kinds of settings and defaults that the owner has set up according to their preferences.

One of my uncles I would absolutely NOT let touch my PC even if he paid me!

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