Does anyone know what the best way is to remove turmeric stains from fingers and nails. I was chopping fresh turmeric yesterday and I forgot to wear gloves.
Soap is generally good, better than detergent, for removing stains from hands, as well as clothes.
For turmeric stain on clothes, rub some soap and leave item in strong sunlight. Then wash as usual. Usually works.
Where's lunch? - I'm presuming you are only talking for a few hours in the sun otherwise you might start to get sun bleaching on all of the garment making it fade ?
Ps might have a long wait for some sun to use this technique here in the UK !... lol
I have had this before too - can look rather disconcerting as it suddenly looks as if you have taken up chain smoking!
I find it just wears off with exfoliation but you can give it a head start by scrubbing with bicarb/citric acid in hot water.
curcumin, the yellow colourant in turmeric, is 2000 times more soluable in veg oil than it is in water, so use warm veg oil.
Thanks Lapis, I'm a huge turmeric fan and I will try the veg oil next time. I hate looking like a chain smoker.