Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 11/03/2008 07:03pm, Askcy wrote:

I've emailed you and cleaned up the post.


On 11/03/2008 08:03pm, tim wrote:

Sooo clever. Thanks!!

On 11/03/2008 08:03pm, Askcy wrote:

no worries, glad to be of service.


On 11/03/2008 09:03pm, Kavey wrote:

(And I deleted that earlier thread).

On 12/03/2008 08:03am, tim wrote:

In brackets - SO modest!!

= Tim

On 12/03/2008 04:03pm, kavey wrote:

Ha ha! It was very easy as Pete added a delete post button recently, just thought I'd mention incase you wondered where it had gone!

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