Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

The GreatBigVegChallenge continues...

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On 18/12/2006 01:12pm, GBVC wrote:

We are moving on in our challenge to try out the a to z of vegetables and have been inspired by recipes from this site...

It is time to move from b for beetroot to b for beans - we are being pretty open about which beans - just keen on trying different things to inspire my son to love vegetables.

So keep on visiting our blog please and leave your BEAN recipe ideas.

Thank You !

On 19/12/2006 03:12pm, Mamta wrote:


You know, green bananas are eaten as a vegetable in India and many other parts of the world. They are even made into chips.

Bottle gourd is a type of Indian marrow, available from all Indian grocers and some Tescos and sainsbury's. It is quite tasty;

Bitter gourd may be just a bit too much for your kids.



On 27/12/2006 12:12pm, greatbigvegchall wrote:

Thank you

Bitter gourd sounds a bit too much of a vegetable challenge!

I like the idea of reclassing bananas as a veg though

On 05/01/2007 04:01pm, krithika wrote:

Raw bananas can be boiled,peeled ,mashed and then made into cutlets or kofthas.


To 2 raw bananas boiled peeled and mashed, add 1 red onion chopped,2chopped green chillies,1tsp ginger-garlic paste,2tsp chopped corriander leaves and a pinch of garam masala,salt to taste and 1tsp lemon juice.

Mix all the ingredients together and roll into oval shapes,coat with bread crumbs and deep fry,

Serve hot with mint chutney and tomato sauce.


You can also roll the mix into small lemon sized balls ,deep fry without bread crumbs and keep aside.

These kofthas can be added to any gravy just before serving and you can garnish with corriander leaves and fresh milk cream.

On 05/01/2007 05:01pm, krithika wrote:

sandwich spread-

1 grated carrot,1 chopped tomato, 1 boiled and peeled potato,crumbled paneer[Indian cottage cheese]2tbsp,1 red onion chopped fine,1tsp crushed cumin and pepper and salt to taste.Mix all the ingredients and fill inside toasties/pitta breads.

Alterntely you can spread a layer of mint chutney and then put in the filling.

Cooked green peas and chopped green peppers can also be added.

On 12/01/2007 12:01pm, GREATBIGVEGCHALL wrote:

I have had some delicious indian green bean dishes in the past - but would appreciate your recipes...

Any suggestions..

The great big vegetable challenge continues!


On 20/01/2007 02:01pm, Mamta wrote:

On 28/01/2007 10:01pm, Neeru Mala wrote:

Green beans are nice cooked in a standard onion, tomato, spices curry sauce. I usually add potatoes to it. Are you still on 'B' or have you moved on to 'C' now?


On 06/02/2007 04:02pm, Phil wrote:

The alphabetical trouble with 'b' for 'beans' is that it's hard to separate them from 'p' for peas', as in chickpeas (wonderful but rather flatulence-inducing), black-eyed peas, etc.

Has anyone done any research on which KINDS of vegetables kids in different societies find objectionable? Our kids eat salad with vinaigrette and French 'lardons'(tiny chunks of fried bacon), and will eat carrot soup (we don't tell them that there are onions in there), which is sweet: you might want to try that. But they HATE any kind of cabbage, and LOATHE spinach, which does have quite a sour taste So perhaps rather sweet-tasting veg is the way forward.


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