Does anyone know if tej patta leaves are ever used to make tea?
If so, how is it made (how long is it steeped, etc)?
Thank you!
Ps- I apologize if this has already been asked; I'm not sure how to search forum archives
People do make tea with garam masala, of which tej-patta (bay leaf) is a part. Just infuse a few leaves in your tea and see if it gives you a flavour you like. I might try that myself, since I have a bay tree in my garden, even though it is not the Indian bay.
Thank you, Mamta; I'll try that!
Speaking of regular bay leaf, I have a bay tree too! The leaves give a wonderful and unusual flavor to sweet custard.
I have a bayleaf tree too in a flowering pot, but not Indian.
Just a note of caution:
Some varieties of bay are poisonous, so be sure you have the edible kind before cooking with it!
And even the edible variety has medicinal properties when made into a tea, and can interact dangerously with some prescription medicines.
"There are several types of plants that are called bay leaves, but only Laurus nobilis is the true bay leaf. Leaves from other plants do not have the same health benefits and some are toxic. According to the Herb Society of America, the Kalmia latifolia is poisonous, even though it is related to and looks like the bay leaf. Leaves of the California laurel are sometimes sold as "California bay leaves" but they can cause respiratory distress when inhaled and damage the central nervous system."