Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Tandoori Mogo

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On 19/05/2010 01:05pm, Pooja14 wrote:

Hi Mamta, I have a barbeque coming up this weekend and I am making tandoori mogo. However, when I made the product last year the mogo kept breaking when I was putting them onto the scewers.

Do you have any tips that i could use to prevent this from happening?


On 19/05/2010 10:05pm, Kavey wrote:


What is the recipe you are using?

On 20/05/2010 04:05am, SteveAUS wrote:

Whats a tandoori mogo?

On 20/05/2010 10:05am, Winton wrote:

Tandoori mogo is cassava cooked in a tandoori sauce.

Glad you asked as I have seen frozen cassava chips in the supermarket but was never sure what to do with them! It is used more widely in Caribbean cooking and although widely grown in India most goes towards making tapioca.

More at:


On 20/05/2010 12:05pm, Mamta wrote:

I am sure any recipe for cocolasia will work for casava. This one will be best, you just have to add tandoori type of spices to boiled casava slices before roasting like you roast potatoes.

On 21/05/2010 05:05am, SteveAUS wrote:

lol.....I need to google cassava!

On 21/05/2010 01:05pm, Mamta wrote:

Oops, forgot to give the link in my last post; Use tandoori powder in place of garam masala.

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