Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 04/11/2008 03:11pm, Mamta wrote:

I am now in Cassablanca and planning to learn to make fish Tagine tonight from my nephews Moraccann maid. Watch this space :-).

It is pretty cold here!


On 04/11/2008 03:11pm, Kavey wrote:

Have fun, ma!

I just emailed you, hope you receive it.

Love to all three there!

On 04/11/2008 03:11pm, Mamta wrote:

Yes I did. I am chatting to Mitun and checking my mail etc.


On 05/11/2008 09:11am, Mamta wrote:

Tagine wasn't too great, the maid/cook said that it was because she did not have time for marinating! The fish was very good though, some local fresh fish.

She is making Lamb tagine tomorrow, so let's see.


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