Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Szechuan pepper

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On 26/08/2011 10:08am, James wrote:


I've recently been using Szechuan pepper in my cooking as I love the citrussy, lip numbing tingly feeling behind the bolder flavours of the dish. However...

I find that even after grinding it is gritty and can be unpleasant.

Does anyone know how I can use this spice in a different way to extract all the pros without the cons of grit!!

Many thanks


On 26/08/2011 10:08am, Phil wrote:

Yes, it is a bit gritty, I guess. Are you using a coffee grinder? Does it grind right down to the bottom of the bowl?

Do you smoke it in a dry frying pan before grinding? That's what Yan Kit-So recommends.


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