Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Sticky Rice

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On 18/10/2009 06:10pm, Clarence Worley wrote:


Can anyone advise where I could buy sticky/sweet rice? If anyone has made/cooked it I would been keen to know too.


On 18/10/2009 07:10pm, AskCy wrote:

Hi Clarence, welcome to the board !

When you say sticky/sweet rice what exactly do you mean?

If you mean the sort of rice used for making risotto you need to look for things like "Arborio" rice...

If you mean sticky as often served with Chinese dishes so it can be eaten with chopsticks thats generally just normal long grain rice that tends to be cooked in such a way that it binds together(sometimes things like coconut milk might also be added)


On 19/10/2009 03:10pm, Mamta wrote:

Having eaten it in Vietnam/Cambodia etc. I am sure it is a completely different type of rice, glutinous I think. I am sure it is available at Oriental grocers like Wing Yip.


On 19/10/2009 10:10pm, AskCy wrote:

It appears you are right ! -


On 19/10/2009 10:10pm, Lapis wrote:

glutinous rice is very good with Thai curries. I mix glutinous rice and basmati rice to make paella. I believe it is best to use some glutinous rice when making dosa/idli batter. And the Japanese use a kind in their sushi dishes.

On 21/10/2009 08:10am, Winton wrote:

It is indeed called glutinous rice, the higher the content of amylopetin the stickier the rice. Glutinous rice is a misnomer as rice doesn't contain gluten!

It is great to eat with your hands on picnics, or in your canapes for buffets if you don't want them to fall apart!

On 21/10/2009 08:10pm, Clarence Worley wrote:

Thanks everyone ... I should have highlighted that I was thinking of the sticky rice I get in Thai resturants.

Will try my asian supermarket at the weekend


On 21/10/2009 10:10pm, Lapis wrote:


I think glutinous (rather than glutenous) refers to the glueyness rather than gluten.

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