Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Spot the plant

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On 08/08/2009 05:08pm, AskCy wrote:

I do know what this is... because I've grown it by accident.. and now I'm curious...

but does anyone else recognise it?

what plant is this?


On 08/08/2009 07:08pm, Mamta wrote:

Looks like a small radish plant?

On 08/08/2009 10:08pm, AskCy wrote:

it does but its not...

its something that I've never even thought of before as you usually use it long before it gets to this !


On 09/08/2009 08:08am, Winton wrote:

Intrigued at the clue!

Could it be a plant from something like a spice or bird seed?

On 09/08/2009 08:08am, Askcy wrote:

well its actually "cress" (not watercress, just the normal mustard cress)... The tub had been left and forgotten about... I'm wondering how big it grows before it produces its own seeds and how etc...


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