Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

spinach with chana dal

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On 31/10/2010 10:10pm, Heather wrote:

Hi Mamta,

I was looking for a dal recipe to cook tonight and came across the spinach with chana dal recipe on this site. The ingredients include 1 1/2 inch root ginger, peeled and chopped and 1 tbs. coarsely chopped ginger. I see it's not your recipe but do you suppose this is an accidental double-up on the ginger?



On 31/10/2010 10:10pm, Kavey wrote:

Heather, I'd imagine so, and work on that assumption.

Past mum's bed time so she won't be online till tomorrow earliest!

On 01/11/2010 05:11am, Winton wrote:

I reckon 1.5 inches of garlic = about 1 tablespoon chopped garlic so think it would be a 'double up' too. To put in three inches of garlic in the context of the other ingredients would be rather overpowering?

On 01/11/2010 06:11am, Winton wrote:

For garlic read ginger in the last post!

On 01/11/2010 06:11am, Mamta wrote:

It is my sister's recipe, so it is not garlic, she doesn't eat any! It is a typing error, all mine, it should read; 1 1/2 inch root ginger, peeled and chopped, approximately 1 tbs. coarsely chopped ginger.

I have changed the title from 'Spinach with Chana Dal (Bengal Gram)' to 'Chana Dal (Bengal Gram) with Spinach', so that it shows along with all the other chana dals.


On 02/11/2010 10:11pm, Heather wrote:

Thanks Mamta.

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