Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Sorry, I deleted a whole thread by mistake!

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On 16/06/2011 07:06am, Askcy wrote:

Oh my God! I am so sorry. I deleted a whole thread by mistake, clicked on ?delete? instead of ?reply? :-(. I am so sorry :-(.

The last few posts on it were about Pasanda and Mukhwas;

From Lapis;

I once made an Indian meal for friends, one of whom is a millionaire. His mother asked me to prepare it, and she said she loved chicken pasanda. Once prepared, and served with simple accompaniments, we started to eat. There was total silence for three minutes, after which everyone agreed it was the best Indian food they had ever tasted (even though pasanda is a Pakistani dish!). It was only spoilt by the request for 'next time, maybe a Madras'. You can't win!!

I prepared a three course meal for 16 people at an equestrian centre for some friends. The timing was critical, and I had to work to a strict time schedule. I made shami kebab as a starter, and chicken pasanda for mains, fresh fruit salad for sweet. For quickness, I put muckwash on the table too, only to return to the table after serving everyone their main course to see the partner of the centre putting muckwash on her chicken.


16/6/2011 12:41am

What is muckwash? Is it something that involves the use of fennel seeds?


From Lapis;

16/6/2011 01:03am

yes, its my way of saying makwas, or pan masala. It has fennel seeds in, and is a muck cleaner for the mouth and a breath freshener. In India, usually wrapped in a betel leaf.

and this was the reply I was posting;

?even though pasanda is a Pakistani dish!?

LOL! India and Pakistan were collectively called India when this dish was first made, hence it is called Indian, as with most other ?Indian? food. The word pasand or pasanda means like, as in ?mujhe chicken pasand hai?; I like chicken.

Muckwash; LOL. Lapis, you brought a smile to my face this morning :-).

The word is actually Mukhwas ; mukh + was, was pronounced with a soft s. Mukh means mouth, was means smell. Mukhwas means something that removes the smell of food from the mouth or freshens the mouth. So, Muck + wash does make some sense LOL, but is not the correct reason for its name.

I am so sorry. Pete, any way of retrieving the full thread?

(Mamta I've reposted your post without peoples IP addresses on :-) )


On 16/06/2011 08:06am, Ganders wrote:

It's all still there Steve! For a start, you don't have a 'delete thread' button :)

On 16/06/2011 12:06pm, Mamta wrote:

Steve, what I posted was the re-posted part of the original thread. The whole thread was not there, only the bits I was replying to. Rest of it has gone into ether! That is the bit I was wondering if Pete could retrieve. I don't even remember the title to it!

The link to Mukhwas in my reply was working when I posted it, not sure what happened to it when you re-posted it LOL!

On 16/06/2011 01:06pm, Lapis wrote:

pasanda is a special cut and size for a kebab, originally lamb or probably goat. It was never chicken, AFAIK, but I have given it poetic license.

I have made this with chicken and ostrich (light and dark meat), together with many black spices, so I have called that recipe 'Panda pasanda'.

On 16/06/2011 02:06pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Muckwash??............LOL!!!! I find fennel seeds stuck between my teeth after having it, thus adding more muck in my mouth. :D

On 16/06/2011 02:06pm, Ganders wrote:

Isn't this the thread you're talking about?

(I'm now officially confused)

On 16/06/2011 02:06pm, Ganders wrote:

Ahh, ok it looks like you just deleted the first post - the thread itself is fine. I'll dig into my archives and resurrect the missing post...

On 16/06/2011 06:06pm, Mamta wrote:

Oh see! I thought the whole thread was gone. I was in a hurry, had guests staying and was rushing around, so didn't look properly! DOH! They were waiting for their morning tea.

So shall we just delete this whole of the 'mistake' thread; Sorry, I deleted a whole thread by mistake!, it gets too confusing otherwise. Pete, you can add the original post to the thread British indian restaurant versus authentic if and when you find it.


On 16/06/2011 11:06pm, Kavey wrote:

No, don't delete anything more. Pete will see if he can retrieve the missing post later.

On 17/06/2011 12:06am, Sid wrote:

Is this what happens when you let Mrs Gupta loose with a delete button?


On 17/06/2011 08:06am, Mamta wrote:

Just imagine me being in-charge of the whole site and hitting the delete button by mistake!!! Ha ha!

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