Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Smelling Salts

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On 30/01/2010 11:01pm, AskCy wrote:

Not quite food related, but sense of smell and taste etc being related thought it might be something someone might know.

Just watching a film where someone has fainted and they have been brought back with "smelling salts"...which made me wonder what they are ?

If your body goes through some sort of trauma/shock so that systems shut down and you pass out... what on Earth goes on with your sense of smell and smelling salts that brings you back ??


On 31/01/2010 02:01am, Lapis wrote:

smelling salts, sal volatile, or ammonium carbonate. Not so much brings you out of a coma, more gives your senses a jolt when stuck up the nose once you've come around.

On 31/01/2010 07:01am, Askcy wrote:

Thanks Lapis, from your description I think I can guess what it smells like now as well...


On 31/01/2010 07:01am, Mamta wrote:

They smell really bad, pure smell of Ammonia, not nice! If someone is feigning faintness, like ladies did in old days, no way they can not respond to their smell!!!

You guys are up early!

On 31/01/2010 08:01am, Askcy wrote:

My alarm clock is set to 6:30am every day (sat and sunday included) as I have to be up early for work, I have to keep my body clock that way around...


On 31/01/2010 09:01am, Mamta wrote:

Body clock (not alarm clock) doesn't change either. I have always been an early bird and my body clock wakes me up around 5 am, without fail. Some days, I want to sleep late, but can't, because I am wide awake by then :-(!

On 31/01/2010 09:01am, Askcy wrote:

most days I wake before the alarm and just wait for it to go off... I find it difficult every time the clocks go forward and backwards (for British summer time) to re-adjust..


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