Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 29/12/2010 03:12pm, syed wrote:

I have come across this ingredient - shoraa- in a meat recipe. Can some one please tell me what is it called in english and where can I find it?


On 29/12/2010 05:12pm, Winton wrote:

This might be a complete red herring but there is shola (or sholleh) - something lost in phonetical translation?

That is for Middle Eastern dishes 'where short grain rice is cooked until short and thick; it can be sweet or savoury' depending what other ingredients are added. Might be barking completely up the wrong tree though!


On 29/12/2010 06:12pm, Rajneesh wrote:

Never heard about shoraa, or was it Shorba which means soup /stew (meat as well as veg).

On 29/12/2010 07:12pm, Mamta wrote:

Can you give us the recipe where you saw it? That may help us to indentify it.

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