Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Sending mail by contact link

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On 08/09/2005 10:09am, Mamta wrote:

Hello everyone

When writing to me via the 'contact' link, please remember to write a relevant 'subject' on it. I get so much SPAM on this link that anything without a .subject. gets deleted, upsetting some of you that I have not replied! I love to hear from you, so keep your questions coming!


On 08/09/2005 10:09am, Askcy wrote:

A good point as my mail filter gets rid of emails, even some that have titles but it considers are spam..

If you put a title something like "can you have a look at this", "please help", "urgent please respond".. these are the types of wording often used on Spam mails so the filter gets upset and will sometimes block them..

You titles are better being Specific to the site and more technical, so its a lot more obvious that its genuine..

"Soft Curries, from AskCy" would stand out as being more obviously related to the site (as it mentions something the site would be about that is not just a direct wording taken from the sites title, and it also identifies who has sent it).


On 09/12/2011 01:12am, Sid wrote:

If you don't stop spamming the forum we are going to cut you up into little pieces and stitch you back together again! :oD

On 09/12/2011 06:12am, Mamta wrote:

Sorry sid, I deleted the spam which you were responding to, before looking at your response!

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