Thought this might be helpful as the search facility is often overlooked.
Step 1 - Click the search button at the top
Step 2 - Fill in the word/words you want to search for such as "cous cous"
Step 3 - Comes defaulted to "by English title" but you can select other constraints to your search such as "Only recipes with photos" or "Vegetarian"
Step 4 - Click the GO button
Step 5 - Any relevant recipes on the site that include the words you have put in will appear in a list at the bottom for you to browse through - Note that if you put several words such as "onion bhaji pakora" you will get any recipe that mentions any of the words. So you might get several recipes come up just because they have onions in !
Happy searching
"Note that if you put several words such as "onion bhaji pakora" you will get any recipe that mentions any of the words. So you might get several recipes come up just because they have onions in!"
To get around this enter the search term as follows:
onion +bhaji +pakora
Using the + symbol directly infront of additional words informs the search engine that you only want recipes were all of the words appear rather than any with one or more of the words.
There are some instructions on using the search engine, but we probably need to optimise them.
Steve you also had another suggestion which I spotted in a thread when I had a very quick browse from Buenos Aires whilst we were away and I can't, for the life of me, find it again. Could you email me, no rush, in the new year?
PS that tiny black icon by some recipes in the search results list is meant to be a camera, it indicates that the recipe has one or more photos attached to it.