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On 02/04/2007 04:04pm, AskCy wrote:

I think that the correct spelling.

When I was growing up I drank gallons of Sarsaparilla cordial (the non-fizzy concentrate you add water to) but then it seemed to vanish from the store shelves. Maybe where my parents shopped just stopped getting it but as I've become the "shopper" in my house I took note that I didn't see it unless I went to a health food store and then it wasn't the same sort of cordial drink.

For some reason I had this idea it had been banned? I can't think why, or give any reason for its possible ban, does this ring any bells with anyone else?

I'm asking as it back in our local supermarket this week (a different brand to the one I remember) as a cordial drink.

Just looking on the internet and nothing seems to show as it being banned, but it does seem to suggest its very good for you in many ways !


On 02/04/2007 04:04pm, AskCy wrote:

now looking into it...

The name sarsaparilla or zarzaparilla comes from the Spanish word zarza (bramble or bush), parra (vine), and illa (small)?a small, brambled vine

quoted from

On 02/04/2007 04:04pm, AskCy wrote:

It appears it was banned due to one of its main ingredients "sassafras" being believed to be cancer causing, but now its back with a different recipe.

information source -

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