Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook


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On 17/03/2018 07:03pm, Martin wrote:

Hi Mamtam,

Having retired I now have much more time for my interests and that of course is headed by cooking!

So, reading an Indian recipe recently, the author added ".....and the Chef likes to add Sandalwood too...."

Can you enlighten me a little about this ingredient at all. I'm familiar with it when used with incense type products, but cooking ..... well never!

Hope you and all the family are well.

Kind Regards,


On 17/03/2018 08:03pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Martin

Sandalwood or Chandan is a fragrant wood. It's paste, which is made by rubbing it on a wetted, rough stone, adding a little water as you go along, is mostly used to anoint the forehead and body during prayers, often by Hindu priests. It is also used as a soothing agent (my mum used it to cool down skin rashes like of chickenpox) and sometimes added to cool drinks as a flavouring agents. It has quite a pleasant smell when addeed to drinks and desserts. I can't think of other culinary uses.

Hope this helps!


On 30/03/2018 07:03pm, Martin wrote:

Thanks Mamta. If I'm doing batch cooking I may put a little aside to try with Sandawood.

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