Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Rocoto Peppers

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On 18/09/2012 10:09pm, Sid wrote:

Has anyone on here ever tried using rocoto peppers in a curry? Are rocoto peppers used in India?


On 18/09/2012 11:09pm, Winton wrote:

Understood that Rocoto Peppers were a South American veg; hotter than a bell pepper but not so hot they can't be stuffed and served.

Never seen them in Indian recipes - but just made Mamta's Tomato and Red Pepper Soup - delicious, but sure if you have access to them, Rocoto Peppers would be a very good alternative to the red peppers (and no need for the Tabasco!)


On 19/09/2012 04:09am, Sid wrote:

Thanks for the reply, Winton. Yep they do originate from South America and they have the same thick flesh as bell peppers, with an unusual heat and black seeds. I was curious if anyone has tried using them in a curry or if they are used to any degree in India.


On 19/09/2012 06:09am, Mamta wrote:

Sid, I hadn't heard of them, so just looked up. I am not sure how hot they are, but I am sure they will be suitable for many of the following dishes;

Stuffed Yellow Sweet Peppers or Other Vegetables

Baked Peppers

Fish and Green Peppers Pakora (Needs pictures)

Green Pepper and Paneer Curry

Green Pepper and Paneer Curry

Green Pepper and Potatoes Bhaji

Stuffed Peppers 1

Stuffed Peppers 2

Stuffed Peppers 3

Stuffed Peppers 4

You should also be able to cook them in a curry sauce of choice (there are a few Basic Curry Sauce recipes here, take a look), the sort of thing that is sometimes served with meat Biryanies.

It seems that plant is quite hardy and survives reasonable amount of cold. I might try growing it next year, if I remember to order seeds!

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