Never having made rice pudding (or many puddings at all as I really don't have a sweet tooth) I'm just after some basic sort of measurements.
My thought is to use semi skimmed milk, short grain rice and add some ground almond powder, a little cinnamon and some vanilla extract.
What sort of quantities should I be looking at ?..
entire bag of rice (1 kg) to 3 litres of milk?....
I could guess my way through and adjust all the way but I'm working on Sunday and will be pressed for time (as making curry and chapaties etc as well)when I get home from work..
Thanks Steve
(don't need a full recipe just a few guide lines..)
My guess
1 kg of rice (into large stock pot)
add about 50-100g of almond powder
about a cup (ie coffee mug) of sugar
1 stick of cinnamon
2-4 tsp of vanilla extract
cover with milk by an inch or two (guessing somewhere between 2-4 litres)
does that sound anywhere near?
oh and I'd love to be able to add some extras like cardamon maybe chopped pistacho nuts, raisins, jellied fruit, mashed strawberries, chocolate chips? but I'm sure it would stop some of the family eating it.... (so have to go for basics...) mint ?
now I've got myself thinking.. (haven't even mastered making basic rice pudding yet)...
but you could make rice pudding with say added chocolate and mint, then feeeze it while stirring occasionally (or use an icecream maker) and make icecream with it. ? (same goes for other combo's like adding cream and strawberries, pistacho and cream, rum and raisin, cherries and kirsh....)... glad I don't have a sweet tooth.... !
There are a couple of rice pudding recipes on the site, not sure if they are what you are looking for?
Thanks they are sort of similar using whole nuts rather than ground and rose water rather than vanilla extract... should be able to get the right sort of measurements...
Currently I've just got a small test batch on to see how much milk I need....
If it's traditional rice pudding you're after:
2 ozs short grain rice
2 ozs sugar
1 pint full cream milk
A knob of butter
Freshly grated nutmeg
Add the rice and sugar to a deep oven proof dish.
Pour milk over and add the butter and sprinkle with the nutmeg.
Bake in a hot oven stirring occasionally.
Should take about one and a half to two hours.
thanks for that... think I will be leaving the butter out though...
Well I got a big pan and put in 6 cups (thats coffee mugs not the actual measuring cup) of rice in which seemed like a good start.
1 cup of ground almond
1 cup of sugar
15ml of vanila extract
small stick of cinnamon
and warmed it through, it kind of expands a lot doesn't it !!... good job it was a very big pan... needs some work... sticks on bottom of pan ... flavour was good though...
next time I will use less and also add water as mine was that thick even with endless amounts of milk going in. It also didn't seem to be cooking the rice through properly...
anyway next time I'll have a better idea.. you don't learn if you don't try..