How many cups would be 100 gms of rice to use in the kheer recipe ?
110g is 4 ounces if that helps?
I don't even have scales in my house as I do all my measuring by sight!
just done a little searching around, and 1 cup (of rice) is about 210g
I presume you mean this recipe for Indian Style Rice Pudding I'd guess about half a cup of rice but Mamta will be better able to advise you when she sees your post.
Priti, 100 gm. rice is 1 rice measuring cup (the one that comes with rice cooker) or approximatly 1/2 the normal tea cup. It will serve 4-6 people, depending how much they love rice pudding.
I'm beginning to see why my first attempt at my own recipe for rice pudding where I started with 6 coffee mugs of rice got a little out of hand !!