i have moved to portugal and i am having problems finding gram flour. what can i use as a substitute?
Hello Yasmeen
Depends what you are trying to make, may be I can help, if I know what.
If you have any Indian restaurants, ask them where they get their supplies from.
Gram flour is chickpea flour (besan), see http://www.spicesofindia.co.uk/cgi-bin/sh000001.pl?REFPAGE=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2espicesofindia%2eco%2euk%2facatalog%2fIndian%2dFood%2ehtml&WD=chickpea&SHOP=%20&PN=Indian%2dFood%2dVirani%2dGram%2dFlour%2ehtml%23aRFG010_2dp#aRFG010_2dp
It is made from Indian variety of chickpea, which is called Gram or Bengal gram or kala chana, which is smaller and darker in colour. This chickpea is different from the light coloured chickpea/garbanzo beans that you see in Europe commonly; see left of this picture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Sa-whitegreen-chickpea.jpg
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