Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Recipes of the Week

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On 27/08/2007 06:08pm, AskCy wrote:

I think I might have asked this once before sometime but can't remember or find it if I did.

How are the recipes of the weeks chosen?

For anyone who hasn't noticed them, on the main page here you can see about halfway down - Recipe of the Week - Pickle and Chutney* Selection which obviously changes each week.

I'm just wondering if its a random thing, a personally picked or selected due to how many hits are made on people looking or searching for it ?



On 28/08/2007 05:08am, Mamta wrote:

There is no mystry to it steve. I just sit down one day and try to remember what is in season. As most people do pickling around this time, I have made that recipe of the week. Otherwise, it is just things I think people should try or something new I have learnt etc. In early days, it was the recipes which people did not use much, but that didn't help. If they were unpopular, they remained unpopular. I don't get the hit record anymore, only Pete knows that now. Again in the early days, i could see the hits per month and from which country they were coming from etc.

Any other selection criteria will be welcome!

On 28/08/2007 09:08am, AskCy wrote:

Actually by what is in season and the weather seems the best idea. I've just been watching Keith Floyd on television and he mentioned that the local fishmongers (where he was in England at the time) were fed up with him showing a fish that was in season (at the time of filming) but when the programme went out (months later) everyone went rushing in to get that type of fish and they couldn't supply it.


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