You have not given your name, but hello anyway :-). Thank you for your positive comments, much appreciated.
It will be impossible to manage it, we have too much trouble with Spammers as it is. As it is, we only manage to keep it under control on the Forum here, because Pete regularly updates filters (or whatever they are called) and we have the help of two of our kind regulars.
Other sites tend to have moderated comments where the post won't show until its been looked at and accepted by a moderator. While this isn't much of a problem for the Moderators/admin of the site it would be a lot of work for Pete to add the coding and make it user friendly and safe... unfortunately Pete is already over worked and gives all the extra time he can...
Its a good idea and I'd like to see the ability to add them, however you can post on the forums with the recipe name and what you have found/like/dislike and then everyone stands a chance of seeing it and giving the feed back some further feed back..
Many thanks for your suggestion, it's definitely one we've discussed before...
It's on the (rather long and forlornly neglected) site wishlist but in the meantime, people do share feedback on the recipes here in the forum!
Thanks again,
Another thought; You can write to me directly via the contact link. I do add comments from named readers to some recipes, when they are relevant and helpful.