I am staying in delhi/india. i want to know some quick breakfast and evening snack recipes. preferably not fried and healthy. for my family including my 3yr old kid.
i very badly lack in breakfast recipes as i a always in rush for office and hardly prepare anything but a glass of milk etc. so plz tell me some breakfast recipes that are easy and quick. or i can keep the ingredients ready the night before.
Hello Sneha
Breakfast recipes
Fresh fruit like banana or any other seasonal fruit. If it needs peeling/cutting, prepare it the night before.
Poha cooked the night before. Heat in microwave.
Namkeen Namkeen Senvian, cooked night before. Heat in microwave.
Saboodana khichri, cooked night before. Heat in microwave.
Sprouted kala chana, quick fried in very little oil, cooked night before. Heat in microwave.
Cereals like dalia, porroigde, Bircher's Muesli (home made, the night before), cornflakes. Avoid pre-sweetened ones.
Dhokla, made on week-end.
Idli/Sambhar, made on week-end.
thanx a lot mamta. dhokla i havent tried. will definitely try on weekend.
my husband is allergic to protein diet. he cant take sprouts.
tell me some evening snacks also. specially for my daughter. preferably non-fried.
Are you sure? Can he not eat any of the lentils/eggs/cheese/fish/milk etc? How does his body get it's protein requirements? He may be allergic to specific things, surely not to all protein foods?
In any case, rest of the family, including children, should not be deprived of a varied diet in my humble opinion, simply because one family member is allergic to a substance.
if my hubby takes high protein diet, the uric acid content in body increases. if it goes too high, he has to tkae medicines to lower it. he takes proteins but in very less quantity. eggs are out of question, he cant even take a spoonful of egg. he can milk and other low protein diet.
anyways i do make lentils etc for my daughter becoz children need to take complete nutrition in their diet.
Does he suffer from Gout a lot ? (build up of uric acid crystals in the joints, causing swelling and often severe pain). My mate suffered with that and its not plesant (he went to the doctors over it so it must have been bad for him to go) Your husband has my sympathy.
Been googling...
Purine is the problem, which is created in the breakdown of certain tissues in the body but also produced (as you said) from the breakdown of proteins.
"Organ meats such as liver, kidneys, and sweetbreads, sardines, anchovies, lentils, mushrooms, spinach, and asparagus are all rich sources of purines", so should be avoided/reduced.
It appaars its a minefield with many many things being listed as to be avoided, things that normally are counted as very good for you !
It does suggest increased intake of water can help (and avoid anything that dehydrates you, like alcohol, caffeine etc).