Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Question about Sajji Khar?

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On 31/08/2010 08:08am, Mamta wrote:

Hello Sunita

I am not sure what sajji Khar is exactly. Is it soda bicarbonate? I say this because soda bicarb is sometimes referred to as Kara Soda in India.

What are you raising the dough for? If it is for Naan or for making bread, this is done by adding yeast or using yoghurt, which also helps to produce yeast, unless you are using self raising flour or adding raising agents as well.

If you mean Sodium bicarbonate, it has no salt-NaCl. Baking powder contains baking soda, cream of tartar and a small amount of cornstarch. Anyway, it has such small amounts and one eats it only occasionally, it shouldn't effect you, unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients. I have to say that I have never heard of it causing problems, unless you are using it like some sportsmen, to enhance musle performace. But I am not your doctor, you should really check it with him/her.

I will post your question on the Forum, please keep an eye on the replies. Some food scientists and other clever people visit there regularly.


On 31/08/2010 10:08am, Winton wrote:

Searching around, if khar sajji = Sajj khir = Barilla, used as a papadkhar, the issue seems to be on its quality as it is a plant derivative. An Indian study showed sodium carbonate & sodium bicarbonate (ratio 2:1) an equally effective agent.

I can't see it being a health issue as it is only used at such a small percentage, unless you were living off a diet of deep fried poppadoms which would not be good for anyone!


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