Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

pressure cooker

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On 26/11/2014 01:11pm, Nick wrote:

hi i'm thinking about buying a pressure cooker for making curries and stews. I've never used one before so i was wondering if anybody had any tips or advice about which one to buy and what material is best etc.

On 26/11/2014 01:11pm, Nick wrote:

just to add it'll be for myself my wife and 2 kids.

On 28/11/2014 02:11am, Mamta wrote:

Mine are all prestige bought in India. I will recommend buying one a little larger than you think you need, so that you can cook for 4-6 people. You can cook less in a larger one, but not the other way around.

On 14/12/2014 12:12pm, Nick wrote:

Thank you!

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