Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

prawn patia

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On 01/04/2016 03:04am, pureenpoonevala@ wrote:

Prawn patia is never eaten with dhansak. This is totally incorrect.

On 01/04/2016 11:04am, Mamta wrote:

Hello pureenpoonevala

Never is a strong word! What is eaten with what/or not, has changed a lot in the recent years. People eat different combinations all the time. I come from north India and I know that many combinations we cook, eat and serve these days, were perhaps unthinkable to our grandmothers, even mothers.

The Prawn Patia recipe that I have on this website, is from a very dear Parsee friend of mine, who is a superb cook. Her parties are famous for good food. She originally comes from Iran, then Mumbai and now lives in UK. If she says she serves it with Dhansak, then I don't see a problem with it. But thank you for letting us know the traditional way of serving it. We appreciate all views.


On 01/04/2016 02:04pm, Helen Bach wrote:

I understood that Dhansak is associated with funerals, rather than parties and other joyous occasions.

Not being a traditionalist (at not knowing many people who have passed on) I like to make dhansak with smoked ham joint. Other ingredients include palak and pea aubergine, hopefully like the original aubergine available in Persia.

On 01/04/2016 03:04pm, Mamta wrote:

That is what cooking is all about Helen, I totally agree. To me cooking and food are about keeping some old traditions, but also trying out new ideas, new combination of ingredients, new recipes and having fun with food :)

On 01/04/2016 04:04pm, Helen Bach wrote:

too true, Mamta, I like traditional recipes, and more modern ones, although TV cheffy ones leave me cold. Food, first and foremost for me is about enjoyment, not whether I'm going to win some third rate prize for it. :?)

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