Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Pomegranate !

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On 13/02/2010 01:02pm, AskCy wrote:

Having just had one with some other fruit and cereal a thought occured to me about this odd fruit. Was all the data on them including the actual hard seeds part in the middle ? So I've been off searching and reading ... I think its including the seeds which is where the fibre and fats are....

however I never realised there was so much other related stuff to a simple fruit... it comes up in history, in medicine, in religion etc !!


On 13/02/2010 03:02pm, Phil wrote:

Steve: did this thought occur to you while you were having a meeting with yourself? (Only joking!)

Yes, I think that these ideas include the stone/seed, but I don't like it.

The flesh, on the other hand, is delicious.

It is, indeed, a weird fruit.

I don't fully trust Wikipedia, but the 'Granada' thing is very probably a folk etymology, as stated there.


On 13/02/2010 05:02pm, Mamta wrote:

Pomegranate is such a common fruit in India, very popular, very delicious and full of qualities. My earliest memory is of my mum getting juice out of the arils (I call them pearls for some reason!), by squeezing them through a cotton handkerchief. This was before the days of blenders and juicers. Now I just put them in a blender and then sieve to remove seeds. In India, it was/is considered to be good for people with diarrhoea and during recovery from fevers etc.

The pomegranate juice is very tasty, if you add a little chaat masala to it.

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